Wildlife Recorder 4 (4.1.270)

24th April 2022

New Features

  • Mapping.

    Mapping for both Bing Maps and Google Maps uses an internal browser within WR4.  The internal browser component is part of Microsoft Dotnet.  Unfortunately Google Maps has changed and will no longer work with the Dotnet browser component.

    Microsoft have introduced a new browser component which will allow Google Maps to function.  WR4 has been changed to incorporate this new browser component. 

    The new Microsoft browser component requires the installation of a runtime module, "Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime".  When you run the new version of WR4 a check is made to determine whether "Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime" is already installed on your machine. If it is not installed a message is displayed allowing you to request that it be installed.  If you do not use mapping in WR4 you can reply "No" to installing the runtime.  If you do use mapping in WR4 you should reply "Yes" to install the "Microsoft Edge Webview2 Runtime", WR4 will close and the runtime will be installed after which you can restart WR4.


  • A few users have had issues with updating their own databases with the species updates we supply.  Typically the species update completes succesfully but the updated database cannot be copied back to overwrite the previous version, a message like "Error copying updated database the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" is displayed.  WR4 has been changed so that if this situation occurs the updated file is kept and the next time WR4 is started and the database is opened a message will be displayed which allows the update to be completed.  
    Click "Yes" to complete the update or "No" to discard the update.

  • Various other fixes.



Wildlife Recorder 4 is a full re-write of the highly acclaimed database program from Jack Levene. It allows you to record your Trips all around the globe and instantly get information such as lists, queries, media and much more.

Along with Birds, you can also record mammals, moths, butterflies and much more.