Age Code Admin

This screen allows age codes to be added, edited and deleted.  Age code entry is performed by direct entry into the displayed grid.  The changes shown in the grid are not committed to the database until the Save Age Codes button is clicked.   Changes can be cancelled by closing the form with the X icon or by pressing Alt+F4.


Entering Age Code Data

Position to the cell into which you want to enter data by clicking it or by navigating with the arrow keys start typing to enter your data.

Age code

Mandatory, can be up to 10 characters long.  Duplicate codes are not allowed.

Age description

Mandatory, can be up to 50 characters long.

Saving the Cell Changes

To save the entered data click press the Enter key or click the mouse in a different row.

Cancel the changes to the row

Press the Esc key to cancel the changes to the current cell.  Press Esc again to cancel any other changes made to the row.

Adding a New Age Code

Press Ctrl+N.  The cursor will be moved to the age code cell in a new row.

Deleting an Age Code

First select the age code you want to delete by clicking in any cell on the row, ensure the cell is not in edit mode (press the Esc key) then press the Delete key.  A warning message will be displayed click the Yes button if you wish to proceed with the deletion.

Saving the changes

The changes shown in the grid are not committed to the database until the Save Age Codes button is clicked.  To save the changes to the database click the Save Age Codes or press Ctrl+S on the keyboard.

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