Advanced Importing

It is possible to pre-define import settings and specify automatic rules for handling duplicate trips and sightings during import.

To take advantage of this facility you must create an xml file called ImportRules.xml and place it in the WildlifeComputing\Recorder4 folder within your Documents folder e.g. C:\Users\jack\Documents\WildlifeComputing\Recorder4

This is a prototype for the XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SETTINGS HeaderRow="true" DisregardTripMapReferences="False" BulkLoad="True" Duplicates="Auto" />
<DUPLICATE Observer="Add" Total="Highest", Notes="Append" />

The parameters are as follows:


HeaderRow true if your import files have a header row, else false.

DisregardTripMapReferences true if you want to ignore map references in your import records, else false.

BulkLoad true if you want to bulk load i.e not updates lists, else false.

Duplicates can have the following values:

  •  Auto - duplicates will be handled automatically following the rules defined in the Duplicate parameters (see below).
  • Ignore - duplicate trips and sightings will be ignored.
  • Report - duplicates will be reported during the import, allowing you to decide how to resolve them.
  • Overwrite - the duplicate trip or sighting will automatically overwrite the original.


Observer add to automatically add the observer(s) to the existing trip or sighting if not already there, or ignore to ignore the observers on the duplicate.

Total highest to automatically set the total int the existing sighting to that in the duplicate if that is higher than that in the original. ignore to ignore the total in the duplicate.

Notes append to append the notes in the duplicate to those in the original. ignore to ignore the notes in the duplicate.

Whenever you import sightings these rules will be followed.