Duplicate Sighting Resolution

If a sighting record being imported, or being changed by mass change request, has the same location, date and time and species as a sighting which is already on the database it is deemed to be a duplicate.  In this case you can modify the existing database record to incorporate totals, status, ages, notes and observers from the import record or you can just ignore the import record.

The duplicate form shows the sighting details from the existing database record and from the import record.


If you wish to amend the sightings details you can do so in the Current Database Sighting Form.

You can manually update the fields on the current record, you can cut and paster values from the import record fields.

The observers from the import record can be added to the existing database sigthing record by clicking the  Add Import Observers button.

The entire contents of the Current Database Record can be replaced with the data from the Import Record by clicking the Replace Existing Sighting Data button.

To update the existing database sighting record with changes click on the Save Changes button.

To ignore the import record click the Skip this record button.