Export List Data


It is possible to export Lists  to an external file.  The export can be a text file a comma separated file or an XML file.  

Enter the full path name you wish to give to your export file in the Export filename field.  You can use the Browse button to select the directory into which to save the file.

The format of the export is governed by the type of file you specify in the filename.

.txt files are ASCII text files and can be edited by a text editor.
.csv files are Comma separated files which can be opened in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.
.xml are files which can be imported into another application which has XML capabilities.  E.g. Another Wildlife Recorder system, Microsoft Excel.

Choose All Records to export all the list records in the current results, select Select Records to export only those rows which you have selected.

Select the Output Column Headings option if you wish to output the field names for each column as the first line of the export file.  (csv and txt files only).

The type of export file to be produced can be selected from the following options:

Display columns only

Only the displayed column data will be output to the export file.

Full list data

All available data about a list record wil be ouput to the export file.  See Export file Formats for the format of the file produced.


To perform the export

To perform the Export click the OK button or press the Enter key.  When the export has completed a message will be displayed which gives you the opportunity to view the export file in a suitable program e.g. Excel.