List Definition

This screen is displayed when creation of a new list is requested.


Enter a name you wish to give the new list.

Select the No Geographic Limit radio button if you want to create a list of sightings with no geographic limits

Select Sites, Counties, states or countries radio button if you want to create a list of sightings for one or more selected geographic areas.

Select Faunal Zones radio button if you want to create a list of sightings for one or more selected faunal zones.

Select Continents radio button if you want to create a list of sightings for one or more selected continents.

Select Area radio button if you want to create a list of sightings for an area defined by a north-west and south-east map reference or a complex polygon.

Select Area Radius radio button if you want to create a list of sightings for an area defined by a radius from a central map reference.

Click the Next button or press the Enter key to proceed to next step of list creation.

NB: If the list creation screen is displayed in response to a request to enter a simple species list then only the Sites, Counties, states or countries option will be available.