Map Provider Preferences

Wildlife Recorder allows locations and plotted using external internet services.  The services supported are:

Google Maps

This service requires a licence from Google,  depending on usage it may be chargeable.  To use this service you must apply for a licence from Google.

Bing Maps

This service requires a licence from Bing,  depending on usage it may be chargeable.  We provide "reasonable" free use of this service.


Select the service you wish to use from the Map Provider drop-down.

If you have selected Google then enter the licence key you have obtained from Google.

If you have selected Bing and you have purchased a licence key from Microsoft the enter it in the Licence Key field.  Leave the Licence Key field  blank for free "reasonable" use.

Enter your email address in the Email address field.

Click the Save button or press the Enter key to save your changes.

To close the form without saving any changes click the X icon or press Alt+F4