Export File Formats

Trips and Sightings

This format of file is generated by requesting an export from within the trips area.  This is an ASCII comma separated export file containing details of trips and sighting records. The export file contains the following data fields:




Family Number

Numeric, zero if a trip record

Species Number

Numeric, zero if a trip record

SubSpecies Number

Numeric, zero if a trip record

Species Common Name

String max 50 characters.  Blank if a trip record

Species Scientific Name

String Max 60 characters.  Blank if a trip record

Site Name

String max 75 characters

First Date Seen


Last Date Seen


First Time

Time in format hh:mm.  Blank if no time

Last Time

Time in format hh:mm.  Blank if no time

Number Seen



Character, blank if Number Seen is an accurate count; C if Number Seen is approximate.

New Count

Count of number of new individuals included in Number Seen. Blank if no New Count entered.


Zero or more Status codes separated by commas.


Zero or more Age entries separated by a ; character.  Age entries are of the format AgeCode,Sex,Count:


e.g. 1 adult male, 2 adult females and 4 immatures of unknown sex would be represented as:




String.  Unlimited

Repeat Record Indicator

Repeat Record Indicator. Set to R if the sighting is a repeat. i.e. New Count is not blank.

Observer Initials

One or more Observer Initials separated by commas. e.g. "JL,PS"

Map Reference

Display version of the trip Map Reference


Trip Latitude in Degrees


Trip Longitude in Degrees


Trip Altitude



Example Trip Record


0,0,0,"","","Farne Islands","05/07/2006","14/07/2006","10:00","15:30",,,,,"","Sunny periods and showers, wind light W\Boat trip to Inner Farne",,"PK,HRL,JL","NU218359",55.616204,-1.653848,5


Example Sighting Records

180,1,0,"Northern Gannet","Sula bassana","Farne Islands","05/07/2006","14/07/2006","10:00","15:30",20,"C",,"X,","Ad,?,18;Imm,?,2;","","","NU218359",55.616204,-1.653848,5


140,3,2,"Northern Fulmar [auduboni]","Fulmarus glacialis auduboni","Farne Islands","05/07/2006","14/07/2006","10:00","15:30",2,"",1,"X,","","Flew close passed boat",R,"","NU218359",55.616204,-1.653848,5


This format of file is generated by requesting an export from within the lists area.  This is an ASCII comma separated export file containing details of the species within a list. The export file contains the following data fields:




Family Number


Species Number


SubSpecies Number


Species Common Name

String max 50 characters.  Blank if a trip record

Species Scientific Name

String Max 60 characters.  Blank if a trip record

Sightings Count

Numeric, number of sighting records referring to this species for this list.

Individuals Count

Numeric, total number of individuals seen.

First Date Recorded

Date.  First date this species seen

Last Date Recorded

Date.  Last date this species seen

Earliest Date in Year

String, Day and month followed by year e.g. "01/01 in 1995"

Latest Date in Year

String, Day and month followed by year e.g. "21/12 in 2001"

Status of record

e.g. Heard, Pending etc.

First Recorded Site Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of site where first recorded

First Recorded State Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of state where first recorded

First Recorded Country Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of country where first recorded

First Recorded Faunal Zone Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of faunal zone where first recorded

First Recorded Continent Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of continent where first recorded

Last Recorded Site Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of site where last recorded

Last Recorded State Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of state where last recorded

Last Recorded Country Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of country where last recorded

Last Recorded Faunal Zone Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of faunal zone where last recorded

Last Recorded Continent Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of continent where last recorded

Earliest Recorded Site Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of site where recorded earliest in year

Earliest Recorded State Name


String (max 75 chars).  Name of state where recorded earliest in year

Earliest Recorded Country Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of country where recorded earliest in year

Earliest Recorded Faunal Zone Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of faunal zone where recorded earliest in year

Earliest Recorded Continent Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of continent where recorded earliest in year

Latest Recorded Site Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of site where recorded latest in year


Latest Recorded State Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of state where recorded latest in year

Latest Recorded Country Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of country where recorded latest in year

Latest Recorded Faunal Zone Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of faunal zone where recorded latest in year

Latest Recorded Continent Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of continent where recorded latest in year

Months Seen

String (max 48 chars). Months recorded separated by commas e.g. "Jan,Aug,Sep"

Years Seen

String (unlimited). Years recorded separated by commas e.g. "1991,2002,2003"



Example Records


8,1,0,"Red-throated Diver","Gavia stellata",94,251,"15/02/1981","19/06/2006","01/01 in 1995","29/12 in 1984","","Minsmere","England","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","Balranald, North Uist","Scotland","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","Dunwich","England","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","Woolverstone Marina","England","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec","1981, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006"


27,146,0,"Barrow's Goldeneye","Bucephala islandica",2,1,"17/05/2005 17:40","18/05/2005 09:59","17/05 in 2005","18/05 in 2005","Pending","Sands of Forvie, Newburgh","Scotland","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","Meikle Loch","Scotland","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","Sands of Forvie, Newburgh","Scotland","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","Meikle Loch","Scotland","United Kingdom","Western Palearctic","Europe","May","2005"

Geographic Data

This format of file is generated by requesting an export from within the lists area.  This is an ASCII comma separated export file containing details of the species within a list. The export file contains the following data fields:


Habitats,Notes,Faunal Zone,Continent,County Name,Parent





String max 75 characters.  Name of the location

State Name

String max 75 characters.  Name of the state for the location

Country Name

String max 75 characters.  Name of the country for the location

NW Map Reference

String.  The map reference for the NW corner of the area, or the single point location.  

SE Map Reference

String.  The map reference for the SE corner of the area.  Blank if a single point reference was given.

Lowest Altitude

Numeric.  The lowest altitude within the area

Highest Altitude

Numeric.  The highest altitude within the area


String.  List of the habitat codes separated by commas


String.  Location notes

Faunal Zone Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of faunal zone for the location

Continent Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of continent for the location

County Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of county for the location

Parent Location Name

String (max 75 chars).  Name of the immediate parent location



Example Records


"Aldeburgh Marshes","England","United Kingdom","52:09.7771N+001:36.3285E","",10,0,"","","Western Palearctic","Europe","Suffolk","Suffolk"


"Cornard Water Meadows","England","United Kingdom","52:00.4331N+001:05.7477E","",10,20,"FM,DW","Water meadows with orchid colony","Western Palearctic","Europe","Suffolk","Suffolk"


The format of the export files requested from a query will exactly reflect the columns displayed in the query result, and therefore depend entirely on the definition of the query.


For example the export files generated from the standard query "Chronological Life List" which has result columns of

ListName, SpeciesCombinedName, FirstDate, FirstSiteCombinedName


will generate export records of the following format:


"UK List","Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus cristatus)","21/03/1976","Slaugham Lake (England, United Kingdom)"