Observers Administration

Video Tutorial HERE

This screen allows observers to be added, edited and deleted. Observer recorder entry is performed by direct entry into the displayed grid.


Entering Observer Data

Position to the cell into which you want to enter data by clicking it or by navigating with the arrow keys start typing to enter your data.

Observer name Mandatory, can be up to 100 characters long. Duplicate names are allowed.
Observer initials Mandatory, initials can be up to 10 characters long and must be unique.
Organisation flag Governs the sort order of the Observer name. If Group is selected the name is sorted as entered, if group is not selected he name is sorted in surname order e.g. John Smith is sorted as Smith, John
Notes Notes are optional and are not limited in length. Notes can be entered directly into the notes cell or into a Notes Editor. To display the notes editor click the button at the right of the cell or press Ctrl+E.

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