Select Query

This shows all the queries for the current open database.

Think of a query as a way of limiting a search of the database such as:

  • Show me all the birds I saw on 1st Jan 2000
  • Show me all the birds i have seen at Minsmere

One of the most powerful queries is "Sightings Systematic Order" which allows you to pin point what you need with very few entries. Once selected you will be given a window where you can limit the search.

In addition to defining the filtering allowed, a query also defines which data columns are to be displayed on the results screen and what sort order the results are to be shown in.

Queries can be performed against trips and sightings or against summary lists.

To run a query, select the required query name with the mouse or using keyboard keys and double-click the left mouse button or press Enter on the keyboard.

Right-clicking on a query name will display a context menu from which commonly used functions can be selected.

Other operations on the database can be performed by clicking on buttons in the toolbar.  Note that a description of the toolbar button icon is displayed if you hover the mouse over the button.  If a keyboard shortcut is available that will also be shown.

Help - Keyboard Shortcuts
Help - Toolbar and other icons