Selecting Species For a Custom Species List

After you have asked to edit the species in a Custom Species List a screen similar to the one below will be displayed.


Selecting/de-selecting a Species

Species can be selected or de-selected by clicking in the check box.

The selection can also be selected or de-selected using the Space bar.details see topic Sighting Details Entry.

Saving the Species Selections

To save the species selections click Save icon or press Ctrl+S on the keyboard.

Cancel the selection

To cancel the spreadsheet without saving the data click the X icon. the following warning message will be displayed:


Click the Yes button to confirm cancellation or No to return to the spreadsheet and continue.

File Functions

To save the list click on File menu and click the file icon (Ctrl+S) to save the species selections and close the species selection window

Home Functions

Add Species Row.

If you need to select a species which is not shown then you can add it. You can add an existing species from your database or create a new species entry e.g. for a generic species where the identity is not certain or for hybrids. Since all species accepted by the main taxonomic authorities are included in the database it should not normally be necessary to add a 'real' species or sub-species.

To add an existing known species you can select any species row and then click on Home menu and AddSpeciesButtonSince an existing known species is being added it will automatically appear in the correct position in the species list.

To add a new species first select the species row you would like to insert the new species after then click on Home menu and AddSpeciesButton

The Add Species form will be displayed. See the topic Adding Species to a Workspace for more details.

Remove Species Row

If you wish to remove a species from the selection list select the species row you wish to remove and then select Home menu and RemoveSpeciesButtonPlease note that this will permanently remove the species from the distribution list associated with the workspace but it does not delete the species from the database.  A warning message will be displayed:


Click Yes to proceed with the removal, click No to Cancel.

Get Information about a species from the Internet

To get information about a species from the internet first select the species you want information about then select Home menu and InternetButton drop down the menu and select the Internet Site you wish to query. The selected internet site will be displayed in your default browser.

View Functions

Toggle All/Selected.

You can toggle between showing all the species and only those for which data has been entered by selecting View menu and <ViewSelectedButton (Alt+Plus Key).

Toggle Subspecies.

You can toggle between showing and hiding sub-species by selecting View menu and SubspeciesButton (Alt+S).

Change Distribution Scope

You can change the species shown based on their distribution status. Select View menu and select the required distribution level from the drop-down.

Information Functions

Show Window Help Page. Select Help menu and help 40 (F1).

Wildlife Recorder 4 Information

Select Help menu and about 40

Wildlife Recorder User Area

To display the Wildlife Recorder User Area in a browser window select Help menu and open in browser 40

Check for Updates

To check for updates to Wildlife Recorder 4 select Help menu and available updates 40