Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Del Delete selected trip(s) or sighting(s)
F1 Display page help
F3 Search next
Shift+F3 Search previous
Ctrl+1 Set focus to a particular item on the screen as follows:
Trips and sightings: Set focus to trip grid
Set focus to a particular item on the screen as follows:
Trips and sightings: Set focus to sightings grid
Set focus to a particular item on the screen as follows:

Trips and sightings: Set focus to trip description

Ctrl+4 Set focus to a particular item on the screen as follows:
Trips and sightings: Set focus to sighting description
Ctrl+A Add sightings to selected trip
Ctrl+E Export sightings
Ctrl+F Display the find drop-down menu
Ctrl+F then S Search for species
Ctrl+F then L Search for location
Ctrl+F then D Search for date
Ctrl+G Import Trips and sightings
Ctrl+I Display internet search drop-down menu
Ctrl+P Produce a report
Ctrl+Q Filter Trips and sightings
Shift+Ctrl+Q Clear filter
Ctrl+T Show/Hide Trip Quick index
Ctrl+U Edit/Update the selected trip or sighting
Alt+F4 Close the close window
Alt+1 Open a different database
Alt+Shift+1 Display the recently used list
Alt+2 Display trips workspace selection window
Alt+3 Display spreadsheet selection window
Alt+4 Display list selection window
Alt+5 Species checklist
Alt+7 Display Observers Adminstration
Alt+F Show File Tool Panel
Alt+H Show Home Tool Panel
Alt+Y Show Help Tool Panel
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Minus Collapse all trips