Entering Trip Details

Trip details in addition to the location are entered in this form.

Trip First Date and Site are mandatory fields, all other fields are optional.

The following data can be entered

First Date You may either enter the date or select the date from a drop-down calendar. To display the calendar click the calendar icon on the right side of the field.

If you do not know the exact date, but do know the month and year, tick the MM/YY box to the right of the field. Enter or select any date within the month, the system will disregard the day from all list calculations.

First Time This field is optional. If you want to enter a time check the box at the left of the field then you may either enter the time or use the up-down control to scroll the hours or minutes up and down.

N.B. Do not enter a value if you have ticked the MM/YY box for First Date.

Last Date This field is optional. You may either enter the date or select the date from a drop-down calendar. To display the calendar click the calendar icon on the right side of the field.

If you do not know the exact date, but do know the month and year, tick the M/Y box to the right of the field. Enter or select any date within the month, the system will disregard the day from all list calculations.

Last Time This field is optional. . If you want to enter a time check the box at the left of the field you may then either enter the time or use the up-down control to scroll the hours or minutes up and down.

N.B. Do not enter a value if you have ticked the M/Y box for Last Date.

Location The name of the Location visited which was selected in the previous forms is displayed.

To re-select the location click on Location

Observers One or more observers can be associated with the trip, these can be selected from a drop-down List of observers.

To display the entire list of observers available on the database, click on the Observers button.

One or more observers can be selected from the drop-down. To select more than 1 observer hold down the CTRL key as you select the observers. Once you have selected all the required observers, click the OK button to add them to the trip.

The selected observers are shown in the text box. To see all the selected observers click on the button to the right of the observers field.

If you wish to remove an observer simply re-display the Observer selection drop-down by clicking on the Observer field label and de-select the required entries..

If the observer you require has not yet been entered you can add them to the database. See Creating and editing Observers.

Weather This field is optional. If required enter details of the weather conditions. You may enter an unlimited amount of text.
Notes This field is optional. If required enter any notes you may have about the trip. You may enter an unlimited amount of text.

It is possible to apply formatting such font, font size, bold, italic and underline in the text. Use the Bold, Italic and underline buttons to apply the formatting to text which you have highlighted. Use the Font name and size drop-downs to apply font changes to the selected text.

If you have a large amount of text to enter, a larger Text Edit screen is available. Click on the Note button to display the Text Edit screen. When the text is complete click the Save button to return to the Trip Edit form, the edited text will be shown in the notes field

Map Reference This field is optional. If required enter the exact location coordinates for the trip. These coordinates take precedence over the coordinates associated with the site. See Rules for Entering Map References. The geographic co-ordinates can be retrieved from Bing or Google Maps by clicking the Locate button. See Selecting Coordinates using Bing Maps.
Altitude This field is optional. If required enter the exact altitude for the trip, the trip altitude takes precedence over the altitude associated with the site.

Once you have entered all the details for the trip, click on the Save Trip button.  If there are no errors the trip will be saved and the species list will be displayed so that you can select the species seen on the trip.

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