Select and Using a Spreadsheet

Entering sightings using a spreadsheet is new to WR4.

Video Tutorial HERE

The idea behind a spreadsheet is to allow users to enter sightings for the following:

  1. A single date but multiple sites.
  2. A single site but multiple dates.
  3. A single site on a single date or multiple dates.

The basics are select a workspace, site and date then enter your sightings in a grid that looks like that of a spreadsheet.

Workspace - an graphical area containing the species recorded within it and site that are within it.
Site - Can be several sites in one trip on the same date.
Date - Can be several consecutive dates at the same site.

Species list - limits species to to thos on a selected custom species list

One of the great things about using a spreadsheet to enter your sightings is you can restrict the species so that when entering you only see the species for the area. Lets say you regularly visit a certain site and doing so you will have a list of the birds you have seen at that site.

First you will produce a Personal / Custom species list, selecting the species for that list using the check boxes and when complete you save the list. This saved list can be used for many things within WR4. If you want to add or delete a species too or from your list, open up your list and just check or uncheck the boxes, its simple but very powerful.

Now you need to make a new Workspace, give is a meaningful name and select your personal / custom species list. This workspace now limits the number of species that will appear when used.

Now whenever you use that Workspace only the species in your custom species list will appear.

This is especially useful for those who take part in regular surveys and may want to print out a checklist to help.

You can also select locations or dates as you go.

Now simply enter your sightings

To make a new spreadsheet or edit a pesent one.


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