Trips and Sightings

This screen shows a list of trips in the selected workspace. The left panel shows a list of the Trips organised by month, the right panel shows the species sightings for the selected trip.


Moving the mouse to the extreme left of the Trips list or pressing Ctrl+T on the keyboard will display a fast index to the trips.  The fast index contains a year and month index click on any year and month to rapidly position to the tip for the selected year and month.  To close the index press the Escape key or Ctrl+T.


Toolbar - File Menu Functions

Toolbar - File Menu Functions

Name icon Shortcut Action
Database select database 40 (Alt + 1) Close the trips window and the current database and display the database selection window.
Workspace select Geography 40px (Alt + 2) Close this trips window and display the trips workspace selection window.
Spreadsheet select spreadsheet 40 (Alt + 3) Close the trips window and display the spreadsheet selection window.
Species Checklist specieslist 40 (Alt + 5) Close the trips window and create a species checklist.
List select list 40 (Alt + 4) Close the trips window and display the lists selection window
Report Print 40px (Ctrl + P) Produce a report
Export ExportButton (Ctrl + E) Export the trips and sightings for use in an external spreadsheet package.
Upload Upload 40px (Ctrl + U) Upload data to Nature Lister.
Shutdown shutdown 48   Close the Wildlife Recorder 4 program.